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ABSTRACT: The youths are universally recognized as an important part of any society by both global and local programmes as well as institutions. For example the United Nations put aside every twelfth day of August of every year as an International Youth Day. In Uganda, National Youth Council which has a full secretariat from National level (Parliament) to village level, clearly spells out that youth be represented at all levels of decision making. In Manyanya, youths are also represented by their youth councillors and also assisted by several technical people such as RDCs, LCs among others. Sadly, in spite of all these efforts, there is very little evidence on ground to show that youth have been fully empowered although many have attained tertiary education. The rate of unemployment is still alarming. Not many studies have been undertaken to establish the causes, effects and solutions to such high unemployment rate. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods with a sample size of 50 respondents of whom were 30 were youths, 15 civil servants, 4 parents and a local council 1 Chairperson of the community. A questionnaire was mainly used for data collection where questions were answered by the use of a tick in the provided space/box as well as filling in answers directly in the dashes provided.

The study findings revealed that unemployment affects more male youth than females. The major causes of unemployment identified in this study were: low levels of education, lack of adequate skills, job selectivity, limited job opportunities, as well as bad government policies. Effects included: Poor standards of living, high crime rate, limited basic services, high dependency, and limited access to resources. The study concluded that most of the respondents have ever gone to school and very few who never had education but a big proportion of them were all affected by unemployment. Proposed strategies included government commitment, vocational training, credit provision, and increased access to resources.  The study therefore recommends that the government should increase social services in education, should review its policies with a view to making them youth employment friendly. That the government should also reform the education curricula in both secondary and vocational schools to emphasize skills development, increased investment in industries as well as curriculum. Youth must be sensitized to be willing to take on any lawful economic activity so long as it is profitable. Stakeholders should also establish vocational training institutions where the youth can acquire skills in various activities such as carpentry, brick making, and entrepreneurial skills among others.
